捕获、处理 & 俄勒冈罐头!

Experience the Excellence of Sustainable Seafood with 俄勒冈美食之选
"A good fisherman is one who takes good care of his catch and protects the resources of the sea for those to come.——赫伯船长

在俄勒冈精选美食店, we are committed to offering seafood excellence: high-quality, sustainable seafood that benefits not only your health but also the health of our oceans. Our ethos is encapsulated in the wisdom of Captain Herb, our visionary founder. This philosophy guides every aspect of our operations, 确保我们提供的不仅仅是海鲜, 而是关怀和可持续性的遗产.


Our story began in 1977 with Captain Herb Goblirsch and his vessel, F/V EZC, setting sail from a small fishing community along the Oregon coast. 在充斥着劣质产品的市场中, 批量生产的鱼罐头, Captain Herb recognized a deep-seated desire for something better—seafood that people could trust for its quality and sustainability. He pioneered the "from my boat to your table" approach, transforming how we think about and consume seafood.

Captain Herb's dedication to using sustainable hook and line fishing methods and his meticulous care for each catch quickly set a new standard. His albacore tuna, fresh off the boat, became a local sensation. 需求激增, 俄勒冈美食之选就此诞生, with a mission to deliver the finest albacore tuna and Chinook salmon to tables like yours, 一年四季.

A Legacy Continued: Second-Generation Family Ownership

As of January 2020, Oregon's Choice is now proudly a second-generation family-owned company. After 43 years of pioneering sustainable seafood, 赫伯船长把舵传给了他的女儿, SueAnna哈里森. 在她的领导下, 俄勒冈美食之选 continues to honor its foundational promise: quality over quantity, with a steadfast commitment to sustainable fishing practices that ensure our oceans thrive for future generations.

Each product from 俄勒冈美食之选—whether it's our acclaimed Albacore tuna, 我们著名的奇努克鲑鱼, or any of our gourmet seafood selections—is a testament to our dedication to excellence and sustainability. We invite you to experience the unmatched taste and nutritional benefits of seafood done right, from a company that cares deeply about its craft, 它的客户, 以及全球水域的健康.

Join us in celebrating a heritage of quality and a future of sustainability. Choose 俄勒冈美食之选 for seafood that's good for you and better for our oceans.


汞含量低 because we use hook and line at the surface of the water to catch albacore that are 5 years and younger, which limits the amount of time for mercury to accumulate (versus the major brands, who are using nets to catch 15 year old + albacore.) Our fish consistently tests significantly lower in mercury than the grocery store brands.

You can eat as much Oregon tuna as you want without worrying about mercury!



最好的品尝, because we take care in what we catch to preserve quality from the moment the fish is caught. Raw, sashimi-grade albacore is packed in cans in their own natural oils. Major brands cook their fish prior to canning, then add oil or water to the can. This method not only results in inferior taste, 却失去了重要的Omega-3脂肪酸, 心脏健康的好脂肪. 罐头里的液体是鱼油!



野生捕获在美国 from a sustainable fishery and MSC certified. Monterey Bay aquarium seafood watch list Best Choice! All of our products are wild caught (not farmed), using sustainable fishing practices that limit by-catch (so we're only catching what we intend to, and not harming other species) and follow strict guidelines to prevent overfishing.

All of our products are caught and canned in the United States (Oregon and Alaska)!



Gourmet canned variety packs by Oregon's Choice are the perfect way to sample the best and highest quality seafood products the west coast has to offer.

Try any one of our full line of fresh caught, fresh canned seafood products

With the Custom Variety Pack, you choose the canned products you want. Choose 12 unique products or choose multiples of your favorites.